
Modify fans speed of Supermicro X9DRW-iF via IPMI

Taken from here andrey.trok@AndreyPC /cygdrive/c/Users/andrey.trok/Downloads/ipmitool-master/ipmitool-master $ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B; do ipmitool -H \ > \ > -U andrey -P u*****d -I lanplus \ > sensor thresh FAN${i} lower 0 100 200; done Locating sensor record 'FAN1'... Setting sensor "FAN1" Lower Non-Recoverable threshold to 0.000 Setting sensor "FAN1" Lower Critical threshold to 100.000 Setting sensor "FAN1" Lower Non-Critical threshold to 200.000 Locating sensor record 'FAN2'... Setting sensor "FAN2" Lower Non-Recoverable threshold to 0.000 Setting sensor "FAN2" Lower Critical threshold to 100.000 Setting sensor "FAN2" Lower Non-Critical threshold to 200.000 Locating sensor record 'FAN3'... Setting sensor "FAN3" Lower Non-Recoverable threshold to 0.000 Setting sensor "FAN3" Lower Critical thresho...

VMWare Download buttons aren't working

 Oh, IT world, you're full of misery and despair   So, I decided to move all my VMs to new ESXI 6.5 host I just installed up on Supermicro X9DRW. There are not so many options to do that, and one of the most promising is to use vMotion feature of VMWare vCenter. To make this happen you don't need much, but to follow next steps: Create account at Register to get an access to trial products (or to get a free license key, available under Licenses tab) As soon as these 2 steps are accomplished vSphere products will be available following the next link:  which will land you on Product Evaluation Center for VMware vSphere.   All available Download packages are under Licenses and Downloads tab waiting for you to click on Manually Download button to start an exciting process of application download. It seems that nothing can be easier than just a click on the Download button, but surpris...

Publish website on AWS S3

While following seemingly simple procedure to turn AWS S3 bucket into a hosting service for your static website has some caveats I wish I knew beforehand. Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't access my website, all I got was 403 Access denied error all the time despite of all the efforts playing with public access options and bucket ACLs. Finally I made it work however certain steps need to be followed, here are they Create a bucket for website Enable Public Access on the bucket Create and apply bucket policy likewise: {   "Id": "MyPolicy",   "Version": "2012-10-17",   "Statement": [     {       "Sid": "PublicReadForGetBucketObjects",       "Effect": "Allow",       "Principal": "*",       "Action": "s3:GetObject",       "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::REPLACE_ME_BUCKET_NAME/*"     }   ] } All these...